Project Pig Pen
Project led by Gallia County Junior FairAbout the project.
This project will directly impact the swine exhibitors of Gallia County. They are currently using very old, heavy wooden hog panels to create the set up for the swine barn during the county fair in August. These panels have been through many years of use and floods because our current fairground is subject to flash flooding.
Purchasing new portable panels will create many benefits. These new panels will be more functional, more appealing, and be ready to move to the new location currently under construction. Having easier panels to work with may also encourage additional livestock exhibits for the area’s area’s youth to exhibit livestock throughout the year.
Funds raised through this project will support the construction of new pens. Full funding will create 12 pens. New pens will encourage the youth to take more pride in their projects, more pride in the fairgrounds, and to work towards helping raise funds to purchase even more panels.
Exhibitors can set up 204 pens in the barn now with the old panels. New panels would allow a variety of barn setup options to meet the needs of exhibitors from year to year.
FAO staff comments.
The benefits of exhibiting at local county fairs for the region’s youth are many. From the discipline necessary to bring a project from start to finish, a sense of ownership, and pride in their community and their projects, these skills are valuable today and for generations to come.
The purchase of new portable pens will make these projects easier for the youth involved and the adults supporting them, while also providing a value-add for the Gallia County Junior Fair.