Housing and Transportation to Foster Employment
Project led by Christ Our Light St. Vincent DePaul SocietyAbout the project.
Guernsey County, in rural Southeastern Ohio, is an Appalachian area with a high percentage of persons below the poverty level. The Christ Our Light St. Vincent DePaul Society was formed four years ago and operates following the bylaws of the National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent DePaul. Members work with other charitable organizations to serve those in need.
Focused on meeting needs that are not able to be met by other service providers, the SVDP volunteers receive calls from the individuals who, most often, are requesting assistance with housing and transportation. This project would help the SVDP in providing support to individuals seeking housing and transportation assistance. Reliable transportation and stable housing are essential elements to seeking and maintaining gainful employment.
FAO staff comments.
Stable housing and transportation are essential factors to seeking and gaining employment. This project seeks to empower and support individuals who may need assistance in Guernsey County, with the goal of increasing employability and stability.